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                    Gait analysis




Many athletic and running injuries are often caused by poor foot biomechanics such as fallen arches, over-pronation, and plantar fasciitis. Athletes should make sure they have had a gait analysis and the proper running shoes for their specific foot type.

A gait analysis performed by a trained doctor is important to diagnosis biomechanical deformities, help choosing the correct running shoes and prescribing corrective orthotics if necessary.


Gait is the way we walk and the movement of our body. Dr. Fong will evaluate your foot and ankle mechanics by observing and analyzing the way you walk barefoot.


As a runner himself, Dr. Fong knows what it is like to run and train for a marathon. He visits running shoes stores frequently to evaluate the latest in running shoes. Dr. Fong is also an avid mountain climber and hiker. He could help you with fitment and selection of hiking boots and mountaineering boots. 




Evaluation on your running shoes:

Do you have a concern about your shoes? Bring them in and have Dr. Fong evaluate if those shoes are right for you.

Athletic shoes should be fitted and comfortable to support the foot. It protects the foot from stress and hard impact sport. 




Custom-Made Orthotics


Dr. Fong provides custom orthotics by casting your foot in plaster, so the image of the plaster reflects the true shape, size, and contour of your foot. This is an analogous to a tailor making you a custom-made suit. This is not an over-the-counter pulled off the rack arch support that many running shoes stores and so-called "sports inserts" that stores claimed to provide. 




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