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The human foot is a complex, intricate and wondrous mechanism. It contains 26 separate bones,

numerous joints, ligaments, muscles, tendons, nerves, and blood vessels.


Out feet are subject to more disease and damage than any other part of the body. Four out of five

adults experience foot problems during their lifetime, many of which originate in early childhood.


Foot disorders are among the most neglected of medical problems. Somehow people never expect

their feet to wear out. Lower back, hip, knee and leg pain may be directly related to painful, unstable

or improperly functioning feet.






*Bunions spurs

*Heel pain






*Flat Feet


*High Arch

*Arthritic Joints

*Circulation Problems

*Ingrown Nails

*Fungus Nails

*Skin Infections

*Birth Deformities


*Neuromas (Entrapped Nerves)

*Injuries of the Foot and Ankle

*Diabetic Foot Problems

Foot problems may be treated conservatively or surgically. The more conservative approach – removal of corns and calluses, strapping and padding, injection therapy, physical therapy and supportive devices (orthotics) – produces temporary or even permanent relief from pain. However, if the deformity or pain persists, surgery should be considered to relieve the condition.


  • Hospital Surgery: Dr. Fong is on staff at California Pacific Medical Center and has performed surgery in the hospital for over 20 years.


  • Lab Test and Blood Work: Results are available the next day


  • Custom-Made Orthotics: Dr. Fong provides custom orthotics by casting your foot in plaster, so the image of the plaster reflects the true shape, size, and contour of your foot. This is an analogous to a tailor making you a custom-made suit. This is not an over-the-counter pulled off the rack arch support that many running shoes stores and so-called "sports inserts" that stores claimed to provide. We charge $400 for a pair of orthotic.



















  • X-ray services: On-site services are available.



Before bunion surgery

After bunion surgery

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